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Food Fiasco: Are There Dietary Restrictions with Veneers?

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smiledmd @ 4:40 pm
Cup of coffee next to a breakfast pastry display

Veneers are a versatile solution that can mask one or several imperfections in your grin at the same time. They’re made of resilient porcelain that resists chipping and staining better than your natural teeth. However, they’re not entirely invincible. Certain foods and drinks can damage them, so it’s important to watch what you eat.

Continue reading to learn about 4 foods that can potentially harm your prosthetics so you don’t accidentally injure them!

Food #1: Chewy Meats

Summertime is perfect for backyard barbecues, and steaks, ribs, and other meats are popular offerings. Although it can be incredibly satisfying to sink your teeth into these selections, it could dislodge your veneers. Biting into overly tough meats, or ones still on the bone, requires excessive pressure that can crack them.

This is especially true if you’re still waiting for your permanent veneers to be placed. Your dentist will likely provide you with a temporary set to wear to safeguard your smile until they arrive. These are not intended to last long, so they can be more easily broken or pushed out of place.

Food #2: Coffee & Tea

Plenty of people rely on a daily dose of caffeine in the morning, but you might want to adjust your habits to avoid staining your veneers. Coffee and tea contain tannins, which are chemical compounds that occur naturally in certain plants. They bind to proteins in your mouth and can cling to your enamel. Over time, they can leave your teeth looking drab.

These covers are less porous than your natural pearly whites, but they can still become discolored eventually. Plus, your natural teeth might darken sooner than your veneers, which can give your grin a mismatched appearance. To keep everything bright and beautiful, drink these beverages in moderation and sip water when you’re done.

Food #3: Red Wine

Red wine is another drink notorious for causing problems with veneers. It contains tannins, which you already know can stain them. It’s also highly acidic and can gradually erode the cement used to bond your prosthetics in place. It’s probably okay to have an adult beverage every now and again, but you might want to consider limiting how much alcohol you consume.  

Food #4: Nuts and Popcorn

If you enjoy snacking on nuts or popcorn, you might want to find alternatives once you’ve received your veneers. Chewing overly hard foods can chip or fracture them, often requiring replacement. If you nervously nibble pen caps or gnaw on ice, you may want to quit those habits for the same reason. Sticking with foods that are easier to chew can preserve your recently upgraded grin.

By making a few slight adjustments to your eating habits, you can keep your veneers looking great for 10+ years!

About the Practice

At Newton Corner Dental Care, you benefit from several dentists with decades of combined experience helping people improve their oral health. They want patients to feel welcomed and heard, so they take the time to get to know you and your concerns. Then, they utilize state-of-the-art technology to identify any areas of concern and provide fully individualized solutions. If you are interested in veneers and want a consultation, you can request an appointment on the website or call (617) 332-6232.

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