Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem, but it’s by no means a rare one; Colgate estimates that there are nearly 60 million people in the United States with chronic halitosis. If you regularly struggle with bad breath, you’ve probably tried combatting it with mints and sugarless gum. But there’s one other step you can take that you might not have thought of: eating more yogurt. Here’s what you need to know about this surprising connection.
(more…)Can Yogurt Help You Fight Bad Breath?
August 24, 2022
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3 Common Oral Health Problems and What You Can Do About Them
August 13, 2022
If you believe you’re safe from oral health problems, you might want to think again. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 80% of people have had at least one cavity by age 34, and more than 40% experienced mouth pain at some point in the last year. If you want to avoid such issues and protect your smile, you need to be aware of the different threats to your teeth and gums. Below are 3 common oral health problems as well as tips for avoiding or addressing them.
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